The grassroots youth movement for an independent Cymru

Our nation stands upon a precipice. Westminster is growing increasingly heavy-handed towards devolution and nationalism in both Cymru and in Scotland, second home ownership and a failing education system is endangering our language, the reckless pursuit of growth and unfettered capitalism is destroying our environment…

Our mission is to rally the youth of Cymru as one united front, stood firmly in opposition to the destruction of our self-determination, language, identity and environment. In the face of impending Anglicisation and climate collapse, other organisations have failed to grasp the severity of the situation we face.

Ready to take the next step?

This is a movement for the life of our nation. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help our activism, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our government to enact change, we need you on our team.


1. Wales is a nation defined by its geographical boundaries, people (Cymry), culture and language.

2. Wales is an ancient Celtic nation with a right to self-determination and independence from the United Kingdom.

3. Cymraeg is the native language of the Welsh and must be protected and promoted with the aim of restoring it as the majority language.

4. Power should be devolved to local communities and systems of direct and participatory democracy should be established.

5. Holiday lets and second homes, belonging to either Welsh or outsider, should be rendered economically untenable.

6. Wales is not subject to House of Windsor or the illegitimate 'Prince of Wales' and should strive to abolish the institution of monarchy.

7. Wales’ resources belong to the Welsh people and England should be required to pay for the resources that it extracts.

8. The Welsh economy should not be predicated on limitless growth, but rather, should aim to improve living standards and economic equality.

9. Wales should foster close ties with fellow Celtic nations and aid them in their struggle for autonomy, in addition to other small nations.

10. Wales should make every effort to end its reliance on fossil fuels and create a green economy in harmony with nature.

“If the Welsh language is to live, everything must change”

Cymdeithas yr Iaith

It is time to stand up for Cymru and ensure that our people may continue to defiantly declare ‘yma o hyd!’ in centuries to come.

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